Essential Information To Know About Hawaii

When you come to Hawaii, it is almost automatic that you fall head over heels for the islands, and become obsessed with the beauty of the island you are visiting. Then, you begin planning return visits to your new favorite vacation destination, and eventually, you imagine yourself calling Hawaii home. The islands just have a way about them, and though there is so much that makes them special, it’s the history, culture, and heritage that makes Hawaii the special place that it is. Part of that is the essential information that you should know about Hawaii before you head out. The history of Hawaii is unique, filled with tragedy, and continues to influence the islands today.

Here is some of our favorite information about Hawaii, historic and just really neat information that you should be aware of prior to your vacation.

  • Though the exact timeline is fuzzy, the first known setters of Hawaii arrived in approximately 800AD.
  • Over the centuries, Hawaii has been discovered many times. The first discovery was by the original settlers, ocean voyagers from the Polynesian Islands, and fianlly by European explorer Captain Cook in about 1778.
  • Hawaii is the only state in the United States that is surrounded entirely by water.
  • Hawaii features rich volcanic soil that is perfect for growing a variety of tropical plants, fruits and vegetables, including coffee.
  • Due to it’s position way out in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is both the southernmost and the westernmost state.
  • Though it was the 50th state admitted to the union, two of the islands remain as privately owned. Larry Ellison owns Lanai, and the island of Ni’ihau as been owned by the same family for many generations.
  • Tourism is forbidden on Ni’ihau, and you must be personally invited by the owners of the island to visit.
  • There is no majority ethnicity or race in Hawaii.
  • The English language is just one of the primary languages of Hawaii.
  • The original Hawaiian language continues to be used throughout the islands.
  • The Hawaiian language uses only 12 letters of the English alphabet: A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P and W.
  • The state capital is Honolulu is the state capital, though at one time the capital was in Lahaina on Maui.
  • Hawaii’s weather is largely unchanged throughout the year, typically featuring warm and sunny days in the mid 80s.
  • In order to help keep the natural beauty of Hawaii front and center, billboards are not permitted on any island.
  • Hawaiian monarchy ruled over the islands for over 100 years, and many of the most prominent figures in Hawaiian history remain in high regard today, including King Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, King Kalakaua, and King Lunalilo.
  • Oahu’s Iolani Palace was equipped with electricity before the White House.
  • Though Hawaii’s weather is generally perfect, the islands do receive a fair amount of rain, and two of the wettest places on Earth are found in Hawaii: Mt. Waialeale on Kauai, and Big Bog on Maui
  • Every place has obscure laws, and Kauai is no exception: No building can be taller than the tallest tree on the island.
  • Due to the activity of Mt. Kilauea, approximately 42 acres of land are added each year to the Big Island.

Due to the high volume of visitors traveling to Hawaii year round, our Hawaii tours and activities sell out quickly. In many cases, tours sell out weeks or months in advance. To ensure your spots on tour, we recommend reserving your tours today. Call our office or book online to take advantage of our low price guarantee today.